Demonstrative coaching style

“When Messi has the ball, you stand in front of the defence”. Coach Renard demonstrates this play by standing back on his heels and raising both arms in the air. Does this lead to better player engagement?

Minute9 Comment: Hand Gestures

Engaging Player Audience:

Research suggests that incorporating hand gestures into a speech can significantly enhance audience engagement, especially in sports settings (Cook, 2019). The dynamic nature of hand movements can captivate the attention of players, keeping them actively involved in the coach's message delivery.

Reinforcing Key Points:

Studies have indicated that hand gestures serve as an effective complement to verbal communication, aiding in emphasising and reinforcing key points within a message (Hostetter & Alibali, 2008). Gestures act as visual cues that align with verbal instructions, potentially enhancing players' understanding and retention of tactical information.

Coach Renard's Physical Demonstration:

Coach Renard's deliberate use of physical demonstration, such as standing back and raising both arms, potentially contributes to enhanced player engagement (Smith et al., 2020). Visual cues, when integrated with verbal instructions, have shown to clarify tactical instructions and encourage improved player engagement during gameplay (Hansen et al., 2017).

Emphasis on Key Points: Gestures can reinforce verbal communication, helping to highlight key points in the message (Hostetter & Alibali, 2008).

Remember: Actions speak louder than words.  Perhaps the best way to summarize the importance of non-verbal communication is using a motto that researchers identified in a 2013 case study focused on the New Zealand All Blacks rugby team: “What you do shouts so loudly we can’t hear what you are saying.”


Hostetter, A. B., & Alibali, M. W. (2008). Visible embodiment: Gestures as simulated action. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 15(3), 495–514

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Dobrescu, T. (2014). The role of non-verbal communication in the coach-athlete relationship. Procedia- Social and Behavioural Sciences, 149, 286-291.  

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Durdubas, D.,Martin, L. J., & Ziya Koruc. (2021). An examination of nonverbal behaviours in successful and unsuccessful professional volleyball teams. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 19(1), 120-133.

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Kim, Y., & Park, I. (2020). "Coach Really Knew What I Needed and Understood Me Well as a Person": Effective Communication Acts in Coach-Athlete Interactions among Korean Olympic Archers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(9), 3101.

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