Impact of Strong Language

The frequent use of strong language, such as "Fu@k," can intensify emotions and potentially serve as a motivational tool. It aims to evoke a sense of urgency and passion, shaking players out of complacency, and emphasising the game'ss ignificance.

Minute9 Comment: The Utilisation of Profanity in Coaching

Rapid Fire: The word"Fu@k" 14 Times in 14 seconds. Coach Curran’s use of strong language, employing "Fu@k" repeatedly, is possibly a deliberate strategy to heighten emotions and motivation among players.

Emotional Engagement and Attention

Capturing Attention: Swearing's emotional charge can seize attention, fostering engagement by evoking strong reactions.

Novelty and Surprise: Unexpected swearing can surprise audiences, breaking conventional language norms and increasing focus.

Disruption and Distraction

Focus Diversion: Excessive swearing might initially captivate but ultimately distract, diverting attention from the main message.  Imagine the concept of "wallpaper" as a repeated phrase or idea in a discussion. It's akin to using a pattern or motif extensively throughout a room's walls. When a phrase becomes "wallpaper," it's continuously present, almost blending into the background, covering the conversation's surface. Expanding on this metaphor, using a phrase as "wallpaper" means it becomes the backdrop, frequently reappearing without drawing attention anymore. It's like a familiar pattern on a wall that you stop noticing because it's always there. Just as wallpaper fills a space, this phrase saturates the conversation, possibly losing its initial impact or significance.

Audience Sensitivity: Swearing polarises audiences, aligning with individual tolerance levels and cultural norms, potentially splitting focus.

Speaker Perception and Impact

Authenticity and Intensity: Swearing can convey authenticity or intense passion, resonating positively with some audience members.

Psychological Insights and Research Findings

Attention-Capturing Effect: Research by Jay (2009) suggests swearing's emotional and taboo nature captures attention, momentarily disrupting cognitive processing.

Enhanced Recall and Memorability: Studies by Jay (2009) and Stephens et al. (2009) indicate swear words can enhance memorability, aiding in the retention of key points.

Perception and Engagement: Giles & Wiemann's research (1987) hints at swearing's potential to influence perceptions of authenticity and emotional expression.

Key Considerations and Contextual Effectiveness

Audience Sensitivity and Context: Swearing's impact varies based on audience sensitivity and cultural norms, as highlighted by Jay (2009).

Situational Effectiveness: Swearing might excel in persuasive or emotive contexts but could be less suitable in formal or professional settings, as per Jay (2009) and Stephens et al. (2009).


Giles, H., & Wiemann, J. M. (1987). Communication accommodation theory: A social cognitive approach to language and speech behaviour. In M. L. Knapp & G. R. Miller (Eds.), Handbook of interpersonal communication (pp. 259–293). Sage Publications.

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Lafreniere, K., Moore, S., & Fisher, R. (2022). The Power of Profanity: The Meaning and Impact of Swear Words in Word of Mouth. Journal of Marketing Research, 59(5), 908-925. The power of swearing: What we know and what we don’t — Ulster University

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Jay, T. (2009). The utility and ubiquity of taboo words. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 4(2), 153–161.

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Stephens, R., Atkins, J., & Kingston, A. (2009). Swearing as a response to pain—Effect of daily swearing frequency. Journal of Pain, 10(8), 792–801.

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